Ningbo Jant auger motor improved the biomass pellet stove quality.
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2018-10-22 09:14:04
More and more people choose biomass pellet stove for heating. There are some very solid reasons for choosing a wood burning stove over gas or electric, but the main advantages are environmental and economic.
Wood pellet is a clean burning fuel and renewable, especially when comparing a self-contained home stove with using energy from power stations running on fossil fuels. Oil and gas are not renewable, but when trees are harvested, so saplings are planted in their place, meaning that the environmental benefits of the plantation continues.
Pellet burning stoves have economic advantages over other types of fuel, as well. Pellet stove works out at approximately three pence per kilowatt hour. Gas and oil cost around twice as much, while electricity costs more than five times, on average, than a pellet stove.
All of this makes the pellet heating and pellet boiler more and more popular.
At first, most of manufacturer adopt the shaded pole gear motor as the auger motor. Our company, Ningbo Jant develop a new product for the pellet heating and pellet boiler,we use a synchronous motor and gear box to auger pellet.This new product has lower noise, higher torque, high quality and long life. We name this new auger motor as model 65TYD. At present, we have 2RPM and 3RPM. All our customers are satisfied with this motor. Because the pellet heating stove is always used in living room which requires silence, the feature of low noise becomes more and more important. Ningbo Jant help our customers improved quality of their stove.